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Delivering Tha Deliciousness 

Home: Welcome


Mine/IC //// 200 - 15min BNG /// 250- 15min QV /// 300 - hhr /// 350 - hr /// 500- 90min/// 600 - 2hrs /// 800 - 2.5hrs /// 1000 - 3hrs /// 1200- 3.5 hrs /// 1,400 - 4hrs /// 1600 - 4.5 hrs /// 1800 - 5 hrs /// 2000 -  5.5 hrs ///  2200-  6 hrs (OVERNIGHT) /// 5000 -12 hours /// 10000 - 24 hrs ANYTHING GOES !!!! (This is ONLY available for those booking 24hrs or more)

///400 - hr /// (+200 every 30min)

***(A Deposit (Via CASHAPP ONLY) is Required for ALL trips made to YOU)*** 


¡¡¡ You MUST email the screening form DIRECTLY to my email at

This site will NOT allow you to submit your form here. If you try to submit your form here, I will not get it or be aware of it. Please pm or email me the completed form to schedule an appointment. ¡¡¡
Content Creation Options include:

Erotic Massage
*Photo(50)/Video shoot(100)
    +100 USD///

*Mediterranean Meets with Tha Greek
    +100 USD////

*MultiParties/GBs/MFM Hour (for each) (200hhr/250hr/350-90min)*EACH* (50% Deposit Required)

*Dinner Dates (150 Hour) +100 for every hhr after
*FBSM L1 (A-HJ or A-FJ only session) (200 hhr/250hr) +100 for every hhr after
(To Add NuRu Gel+100)////
FBSM L2 (A-BJ only session)(250hhr/300hr) +200 for every hhr after
(To Add NuRu Gel+100)////
Doubles (An Additional)+100 USD////
(To Add NuRu Gel+100)////

SKYPE Calls 5min ($30) 10min ($50) 15min ($70) +$20 every five minutes after
    +30 USD////

 Fly Me To You (4 Hour minimum & 35% Travel fee deposit required to book flight) 
    +2000 USD///

Overnight (6Hours) with Dinner & Drinks**(+2Hours)
    +2200 USD////

    24Hrs VIP XXXperience (ANYTHING GOES!!!)
    +10000 USD////

HOT Maid Topless Cleaning 250/90 min +50 every HHR (+100 For Deep Cleaning Jobs)////

Personal Trainer 90 minutes (150) +50 every HHR////

Cuddle Buddy SESSIONS (+50 every HHR) 150 for HHR////

*Worn Panties & Socks 
$40 for Panties or Socks only///$45 + 2 min video///$55 + 5min video ///$65 + 7min video /// $75 + 10 min video ($10 every 3min) 

I enjoy wearing the socks (or panties) out and about, and filming myself sporting them. Hell, I'll even make a mess in them, on cam, if you'd like ;)Just tell me what style socks or panties you'd prefer. What kind of patern or fabric is your favorite and I'll sit this pretty thang on in them and allow them to soak up this juicy-ness, ALL for your pleasure !!! 
If you submit your deposit through cashapp, 24 hours+ ahead, you will receive a DISCOUNTED $20 off your session (for all hour or longer sessions)///
Return Clients I've seen over 2x in the last 90days, get -50 off/////
If You're Currently Subscribered To My OF you get -40 off All Sessions

**(Only ONE special can be used at a time. Deposits DO go towards Donation) ** 

Home: Menu


Delivering That Content You Seek

My Likes & Wishlist

Thank you for taking the time to take a look at my wishlist. I appreciate everything ALWAYS and absolutely love spoiling those who surprise me with gifts!!! 

(My Amazon wishlist link is located on my onlyfans bio)

I appreciate all gifts bought online as well as those received in person. My favorite gifts are:

*Amazon gift cards
*Dolls Kill gift cards
*AgentProvocateur gift cards
*Shein gift cards

* gift cards 

*Flowers! My favorites are Indica Leaning Hybrids 

(MAC/Crescendo #11/Wedding crashers/wedding cake/ Gelato)

**(I recently quit smoking, but I still vape. Please request/buy brand's that are made "clean". They'll know what that means.)**

*Ripple PURE, Wyld and Wana edibles are my absolute faves!!!

 *Dragonlillies are my second favorite flower ;)

*My favorite restaurant is Fogo de Chao and Modern Market!

Home: Scheduling Etiquette


Scheduling EtiquetteFor first contact, I just ask that you please be discreet, descriptive, and refrain from being explicit.////  
No gratuities are ever expected, but for if you would like to surprise me with a gift then you might find yourself inspired by my wish list. Or perhaps you have something better in mind? If so, I love surprises! And I love spoiling those who spoil me !!!//////
Please do NOT text me anything explicit (or session related). (This includes screenshots, pictures, links, "hobby-speak" or acronyms). If you have a question about anything session-wise please pm or email me.//////
 Do NOT text me, or call me, using suggestive terms or innuendos. (This behavior will not be tolerated and will in turn lead me to block you and not see you.)////      
Do NOT call my phone (unless I ask). This is business line and should be treated as such. Please do not text me excessively if you have no intentions of scheduling. ONLY contact me when you are ready to make your appt./////    
Donations or gifts are what I see as a token of appreciation and acknowledgment for time well spent. Please provide any gifts in site at the beginning of our time together. 
Please NEVER mention, or negotiate my terms/////
If I have not seen you in 6 months or longer or I can’t recall you, you will need to be re-screened. I also provide two references per visit in 4 months for your convenience. (*Have the provider PM me for reference purposes. Do NOT give out my phone number.)////  
Once contact is made and appointment has been confirmed, any mention, or negotiation of services will cause the session to end. You will be asked to leave and not return. This includes any unsafe behavior inside or outside the incall. (I do NOT, for any reason, allow weapons, of any kind, inside the incall.)///
Also PLEASE Don't show up or sit outside of my place any earlier than the appointed time. Please be discrete.////    
If you have had a fever, cough, or have been around anyone with Coronavirus or suspect you may have contracted the virus now (or at anytime), do NOT schedule.////  
Also please DO NOT show up sick or with any open wounds, sores, or unusual bumps/warts ANYWHERE. If you do show up, you will be asked to leave. Showing up with any of these things present means you do not respect my health or time. And that is something I cannot and will not accept.////
Deposits are required for all sessions after 11pm - 6am as well as for ALL outcalls (to cover my time, gas and travel expenses). 
As well as any last minute/ short notice appointment requests (last minute appointmens that are "within the next 90minutes" require a $150 deposit).///
 (All visits that require me driving OUT to you will require a deposit and the session minimum is an hour)////
If you are less than 30 minutes from Temple (or my current location), I require $150 deposits for Outcall. If you are less than 2 hours away, $175 deposit is required.//// 
All overnights or sessions longer than 90 minutes, (as well as those more than 2 hours away) require half of the donation total for the deposit. (If you are over 3 hours away and would like for me to drive to you, there is an additional gas and travel fee of $60 for every 3 hours of drive time) ////////If you wish to be seen early morning or late night hours, I'd appreciate if you could try to prebook before 10pm the night/morning of desired session. This increases my chances of being able to reach out to you ASAP.////• A deposit is required to lock in appointments, & secure your time and place (for certain sessions.) Deposits are to be sent at least 3 hours before desired session or after the appointment is locked in and scheduled *depending on the date and time of the session*./////
*Multi-party (MFM & GB) sessions* will also require a 50% deposit when scheduling./////    
I accept deposits either via cashapp or by way of bitcoin for deposits (for those who prefer a discrete, no paper trail option). 
I only accept a subscription to my onlyfans as a deposit when used for an alternate, speedy screening as well for newbies or those wishing for a more discrete encounter.////   
Everyone currently subscribed to my ONLYFANS gets a special -40 off. I also reward those who prebook 24+ hours in advance with $20 off your session.    
Cancellations: If you are more than 15 minutes late, there will be a late fee ($20). Cancellations within 24 hours of your appointment time will be subject to a (25% of the session amount) cancellation fee and/or becoming blacklisted.////
 Cancellations 4 hours or less prior to appointment time, or NCNS will be subject to (50% of the session amount) for the cancellation fee and/or blacklisted. ////
(These fees are expected through cash app or via crypto wallet before the session time that was scheduled to avoid being blacklisted, as well as, still allowing you the pleasure of rescheduling with me in the future. Please send the proper information via text ex. such as your cashtag, crypto QR code etc) ////
For us to fully enjoy a meeting, please be a gentleman and arrive freshly showered and well-groomed. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded. /////
Showers are provided at the beginning of the session for every visit. After session showers are optional but available, based on the amount of time left. Complimentary mouthwash, and other men's toiletries are available for you as well.////    
All that I ask of you, is that you please respect me and my privacy as I will always be discrete and mindful of yours as well. I only wish to provide you the best experience with me in a safe, clean environment.



Screening Form:
*Hobby Handles(s) and sites:////
*Hobby Phone (Required) ( Text & Call Capable*////
Best Times To Text:////

*Detailed Physical Description of self://////

*City You Reside In, (If out of state, please provide both city and state):////

*Preferred Place: Mine or Yours:
*Preferred Date you desire for the session:*////
Preferred Time you'd like to start the session://///
*Preferred City you'd like the session to take place://///
*Preferred Session Length://///

*Likes and kinks://///
Dislikes and hard limits:////
*Special Request(s):////

**For Priority Booking**

*List your Cashapp Cashtag://///(My cashtag info is posted on my Twitter timeline as well).*//////
OF Username:(List ONLY if you're currently subbed to my OF)////
**Be advised that some sessions require a deposit via cashapp to lock in the appointment. These instances include extended sessions, late night or short notice/(last minute) appointments, for any travel expenses, if I'm driving TO YOU or to your city, those without references, to obtain certain specials, newbies or those who'd rather skip the deeper screening process and opt for a more discreet encounter.////

**If a deposit is required for the type of session you requested, cashapp is the ONLY option that I will be taking electronically at the moment (please no haggling. Hagglers will be blocked immediately)./////

If you submit your deposit through cashapp, over 24 hours ahead of your appointment, you will receive a DISCOUNTED $25 off your session.////

Thanks for submitting!


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©2023 by Deja Dinero 

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